About us



Who are we?

We are Bob and Iris and live together in Oisterwijk (The Netherlands) with our dog Ava. Her arrival gave birth to our idea for AVA bowls. In May 2021, we adopted Ava from the island of Bonaire. There, as a puppy, she lived on the streets for over two months with her siblings. Fortunately, the litter was found in time by F.K.K. Animal Rescue, a foundation that takes in, cares for and (re)socializes (stray) dogs and cats with the aim of finding a loving and safe environment for the found animal. A goal we support more than 100%, because every animal deserves a golden basket!

Ava was 5 months old when she came over to the Netherlands. Since then, she has found her golden basket with us. This has been the best choice ever and Ava totally belongs here. For us, she is now truly part of the family.

Before Ava came to the Netherlands, we started looking for dog stuff. During this search, we found out that it is a challenge to find a stylish, durable and high-quality drinking and feeding bowl. We have a passion for interior design and were looking for a drinking and feeding bowl for Ava that would fit well in our kitchen as an accessory. More research on suitable bowls unfortunately did not take us much further and from there, the idea for AVA bowls was born.

Now it is finally here, AVA bowls is live! We hope to inspire many people with our ceramic products and take their interior to a higher level. Because every four-legged friend deserves a stylish ‘dinnerware’ too, right?


Meet Ava

Ava was born on 20th of December 2020. This is the date listed in her passport, but because she was born on the streets, we do not know when she was actually born. Ava was 5 months old when she came over by plane to the Netherlands. From May 2021, she lives with us in Oisterwijk in The Netherlands.

In the Netherlands, she felt at home from day one. She is cheerful all day long and wags at everyone who passes her or enters the house. Wagging is perhaps not quite the right choice of words, as she does this with her whole body and not just with her tail. Dancing then? In any case, it makes us happy every time and we join her in the fun.

When she is inside, she prefers to lie with us all day. She regularly obliges us with her paw to tickle her, but if we refuse, she still manages to persuade us with her look. As soon as she is outside and allowed to run free, she really has energy for 10 others. We are always curious to see what speed she reaches when she sprints again. She also has a big hobby and that’s eating, because she likes to do that all day long. Her favorite snack is a boiled egg or a piece of fresh meat.

Ava is a happy and grateful little dog. And we are grateful to her and to F.K.K. Animal Rescue for bringing her into our lives. She has not only become our buddy, but eventually our inspiration for AVA bowls!

Let’s connect!

Want to know more about AVA bowls? Then follow us on our socials or send us a message.
We would love to get to know you or help you with any questions!

mail icon-w info@ava-bowls.com / wa icon-w +31 6 39370526
Lots of love,

Bob, Iris & Ava

Team AVA bowls

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